About Me...

Who is Ethan Exxplores?


Hi there!

My name is Ethan Strydom. I am content creator who focuses on Travel in South Africa but more particularly on Adventure Travel. Hiking, Camping, Climbing, Surfing, Mountain Biking, it’s all my jam. These are the topics that excite me the most and what I write a lot about. In addition, I dig Photography …. like a lot, so I make videos  and blog posts about all that good stuff (so ye, check me out on YouTube as well)

If that sounds like your jam, Lets Be Friends!

To find me, it’s @ethan_exxplores on all the socials

I’m currently situated in Durban, South Africa so if you are near that area and would like to work with me email me at info@ethanexxplores.com

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